Update 22 JUL 09: Read about the new and even higher performance laser detectors now available.
Concerned about police LIDAR? You should be because its growing in popularity and,
unlike RADAR, LIDAR is difficult to detect and provides little or no advanced warning.
Over the years of development of VEIL, we have tested our laser countermeasure along with the top performing radar detectors and
laser detectors—the Beltronics/Bel RX65 Pro, Escort 8500 X50, Valentine 1—and
have recently added a Beltronics STi Driver to our laser detector line-up.
Since a detailed comparison of these top-shelf laser detectors
when pitted against close-range laser has never been performed, we decided to be the first and only to carefully examine this important aspect of laser detector
Remember that it's harder for a laser detector to spot police lidar the closer you are to
the source and easier as you get farther away - essentially the opposite of police RADAR.
For good measure, we also included leading laser detectors from Cobra and Whistler as we were interested in seeing just
how well their laser detection performance compared to the top four that sell for more
than twice their price.
To compare these detectors, we used a stationery vehicle (silver BMW 540i) positioned at one end of a level road
that had no visual obstructions and placed each detector on the lower-mid section of center of the windshield.
We tested each detector against all currently available generation 3 (Gen III) police laser (LIDAR) guns in the U.S.: Kustom Signals Laser Pro III,
Laser Atlanta S, Laser Atlanta S - stealth mode, LTI Ultralyte 100LR, and the Stalker LZ1.
We then targeted the front of the vehicle at each of three primary aiming points - the passenger headlight,
the front license plate area, followed by the driver's headlight each at the following distances: 25, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400,
500, 600, 700, 800, 900, and 1000 feet.
Each of these shots was hand-held, was taken from directly ahead, and was repeated more than once. We
carefully minimized panning and movement to make it the most difficult
on each.
In addition to the tabular data, we have graphically depicted our laser detection results on two sets of charts, one grouped by detectors versus
police lasers and the other grouped by lidar gun manufacturer versus detectors.
Please be sure to read our conclusions section as these laser detection results are put into their proper context.
It's important to point out, as good as these detectors are at spotting laser, the great likelihood is that by the time your
detector sounds its alarm, you have already been clocked with laser—even on a motorcycle—unless you have protected yourself with
VEIL for laser detectors.
------- Article Index:
Performance Charts: Detectors vs LIDAR Gun
Performance Charts: LIDAR Guns vs Detector
Performance Tables: Detectors vs LIDAR Gun
Performance Tables: LIDAR Guns vs Detector
Review Conclusion