Test Day #6, Evening/Early Morning of 19-20 FEB 05 –
(Philadelphia to Atlantic City and Back)
At the last minute, Mr. & Mrs. Veil
Guy got a hold of a pair of front row
seats to a
Brooks and Dunn concert at
the Taj Mahal Hotel and Casino located
at Atlantic City, NJ. Since our
route was going to take us on the
Philadelphia corridor to the shore - the
Atlantic City Expressway - which is also
replete with NJ state police, we figured we update our
report to include any additional radar

set-up [what turned out to be] our favorite
pair of radar detectors - the
Beltronics RX 65 Pro (low and center)
and the Valentine v1.8 (low and left).
set out at around 1830 local time and
proceeded to our venue without any
incidents; it was on our return trip
when the "fun" began.
0045, we were headed east and north back
towards Philadelphia approaching the end
of the AC expressway at the point the
expressway merges into Route 40
North. At this time, both radar detectors
alerted at the same time to X-band and
then both went silent. A few
seconds later, both alerted again for
several more seconds and at a somewhat
greater signal strength.
On and off they went several more times
in unison as we made our way onto Route
40 towards the Ben Franklin Bridge.
Our expectations of an approaching
instant-on radar trap were confirmed
about 20 seconds later when we spotted
the trooper in the median facing us and
selectively targeting on-coming
vehicles. During the last
eight seconds of the trap, both
radar detectors alerted with strong signals.
We were traveling at about 75-80mph at the
time of our contact and slowed down to a
more reasonable 65mph as we passed the
speed trap.
An interesting observation was made
concerning the Valentine: for some
finite period of time, it indicated that
the source was coming from behind
us. Which is to say, that the directional
arrows can sometimes be "wrong" or
misleading at
indicating from where the real threat
is coming. This was most
likely due to a rear reflection of the
radar beam from the trailing traffic/objects.
This experience demonstrated, once again, that the Valentine
requires a bit more driver involvement
to properly interpret what
information is actually being
conveyed. Something one gets used
to doing, after living with this radar detector
for an extended period, and am in no way
being critical of this behavior, either
- merely pointing out a fact.
another minute of passing this trap both
radar detectors again briefly alerted
simultaneously with another X-band
alert. We initially though this
was coming from the trap we just passed
only to find that both radar detectors again
alerted with a stronger X-band
signal and the Valentine correctly
identified the source as from being ahead. This suggested that we
were approaching another radar
source which turned out to be another
real speedtrap. This time, facing
away from us - the trooper was again in
the median targeting the opposing southbound
traffic. Total time to trap from
initial alert was about 10 seconds at
approximately 78mph.
Two traps back-to-back within the time
span of about a minute. Both were
instant-on pulsed types, and both
radar detectors essentially dead-heated
and provided us with plenty of time to
to safely slow down [to either one] to
avoid yet another speeding ticket!

Schuylkill Expressway
Leaving the "City of Brotherly Love"
We felt these good experiences merited
an addition to our travel log.
We racked up another 200 some odd miles
to our drive.
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