Test Day #3 – 11 JAN 05 - (Tombstone,
AZ to Sasabe, AZ)
We pulled up stakes at 1615 and
headed towards our next destination. The
temperature was 65F and it was somewhat
overcast. Trip miles at the start of
this segment were 736.
We continued with the comparison of the
RX65 (left middle) versus the V1 v1.8
(center-right middle)
On Route 82W towards Nogales, Mrs.Veil
Guy learned to drive a stick while I
took the notes.
At mm44, the RX65 briefly alerted to POP
radar. The V1 remained silent and there was no
sighting of a police cruiser at a trip odometer
reading of 763.3. Shortly thereafter,
the V1 alerted to very weak K-band radar from
the rear then to the sides
for a couple of cycles while the RX65
remained silent.
Approaching the small town of Sonita, AZ and a precipitous drop in the posted
speed limit we were alerted to an approaching police
cruiser ahead on the opposite side
using steady K-band.
The V1
alerted about 2-3 seconds before the
RX65 Pro at ~45mph. This was a real
trap. As we left the city limits, the V1
alerted twice ahead and once to the rear
with very weak K-band at mm30.
At mm27, the V1 alerted to a very weak
K-band from the rear for two cycles
while the RX65 remained silent.
Later, as we approached the town of
Patagonia at a speed of about 75mph, the
V1 alerted about five seconds prior to
the RX65 on steady K-band at a reported
24.176Ghz. The source was an approaching
unmarked police car in the opposite
lane. The town speed limit was reduced
to 30mph, which we obeyed.
In both of these proceeding
encounters, either radar detector would have
provided sufficient time to safely slow
Two miles out of town, the V1 alerted
twice to a very weak K-band ahead while
the RX65 was silent. Followed by a brief
weak alert on K-band on the RX65 while
the V1 remained silent.
As we were approaching the city of
Nogales, the V1 alerted K-band at a
strength of three for about three
seconds. The RX65 did not alert
and no
police officer was spotted.

Dusk somewhere in Southern Arizona
Leaving the city limits of Nogales on
I19N traveling at about 60-70mph we got
a Ka alert at 34.708ghz on the RX65 six
seconds prior to the V1. We eventually
spotted the source which was a police
cruiser hiding in the median dividing
the highway just in front of an overpass
and facing us. Time of day was 1820 and
it was dark. Even though the RX65
alerted prior to the V1, either provided
plenty of time to slow down. To put this
into some context, the total warning
time we received to the trap location
was about 24 seconds traveling at
Continuing on I-19N, we received a
K-alert on the V1 followed by a K-alert
on the RX65 by about one second while we
were traveling at about 75mph. The
source turned out to be a speed sign
located at a border patrol checkpoint. Again, either radar detector provided plenty
of time to react and slow down.

Security Checkpoint, I-19N North of
Nogales - Jose of US Border Patrol,
Sasabe, AZ
Later we met up with Jose, one of border
patrol officers working the seam of the
US and Mexico. He provided us directions to our final destination for
the evening. At this point, we were in a
very remote part of the state. No cell
phone coverage here.
Even here, the V1
alerted (falsed) with brief weak K-band
alerts while the RX65 Pro remained
silent. We turned off the RX65 to see if
it was contributing to this behavior and
although the V1 didn’t report any
additional K-band the remaining couple
of miles to our destination we weren’t
convinced that “crosstalk” was the
Note: We investigated this further
(running the V1 solo) and we still
encountered a relatively frequent
“false” rate of K-band.
At the conclusion of this day of driving,
it appeared the RX65 had a slight edge
over the V1 1.8 w/POP2 on Ka-Band (in Ka
USA mode) while the Valentine appeared
to have an edge over the RX65 in K-band
(at the expense of more frequent K-band
Again, in reality, either
would have provided plenty of time to
safely react and slow down to all of our
encounters today.
We arrived at our destination, the
Rancho de la Osa of Sasabe, AZ at
about 1930. It was very dark out and
quiet. Our dinner was waiting for us in
our room and we started a nice fire in
the room as the temperature in the
desert this time of year gets quite cold
in the evening.

Sunset at Sasabe & Cozy Warm Fire in
our Adobe-Styled Room.
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