We would like to thank Radar Roy of
Radar Busters whose company sponsors an informative online
discussion forum at -
a forum, in which we have the pleasure of
participating. Without his support, this
review could not have taken place.

Mr. &
Mrs. Veil Guy, Mr. & Mrs.
RadarBusters & Crew
Additionally, I would like to personally
Craig Peterson, of, for his thoughtful
review of our radar detector set-up and
configuration and his suggestions for
their operation.
Subsequent to this test, I learned that
Craig had participated
in the legendary
Cannon Ball Baker Sea-to-Shining-Sea
Memorial Trophy Dash races
when radar traffic enforcement was at
its nascent stages - in the days when
men were men. And to think, I was among
and didn't even know it!
you find the information provided herein
worthwhile in assisting you making a
purchasing decision, please support
Radar Busters or participate in their
online forum.
And while I am on the subject, I want to
extend a special thanks to certain
members of this forum - you know who you
are - for their contributions and
assistance in proof-reading this review
and pointing out any oversights on our
The Veil Guy
© Copyright MMV Veil
Corporation. All Rights Reserved.